Yesterday, after I made Miss Faye the new skirt I also made her a pair of bloomers to go with this pinafore. They are the same bloomers that I made to go with this, only this time I did add the elastic to the bottom of the legs. I also added a cute little ribbon bow.
She is wearing a shirt that my mom saved from when I was a baby.
I still need to get pictures of her in the bloomers and the pinafore but the top was in the laundry already.
I think next time I will make the bloomers a bit shorter. These are knee length and just a bit too long. I may add some butt ruffles next time as well!
I really love these because they are simple and they are roomy enough to
fit her cloth diaper. They are also easy on and off to change said
Here is a quick pic of the fabric I picked up to make her another outfit. I just can’t decide what to make, another pinafore/bloomer set or a dress or something completely different. I have been scouring the internet looking for cute patterns. I did find one that I liked but it was much too expensive so I still have my feelers out.